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इच्छुक छात्र 31 जनवरी 2025 तक ऑनलाइन या ऑफलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।         प्रयागराज में कुंभ मेला 14 जनवरी से 28 फरवरी तक चलेगा।;

Mahatma Gandhi's The first Satyagraha in Bihar

Mahatma Gandhi the first Satyagraha revolutions inspired by Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian Independence Movement occurred in Kheda district of Gujarat and the Champaran district of Bihar between the years of 1918 and 1919
In Champaran, a district in state of Bihar, tens of thousands of landless serfs, indentured laborers and poor farmers were forced to grow indigo blue and other cash crops instead of the food crops necessary for their survival. These goods were Purchased from them at a very low price. Suppressed by the ruthless militias of the landlords mostly British, they were given measly compensation, leaving them mired in extreme poverty.
The villages were kept extremely dirty and Slut, and alcoholism, impalpability and purdah were rampant. Now in the throes of a devastating famine, the British levied an oppressive tax which they insisted on increasing in rate. Without food and without money, the situation was growing progressively unlivable and the peasants in Champaran revolted against indigo cultivation in 1914 and 1916  and Raj Kumar Shukla took Mahatma Gandhi to Champaran and the Champaran Satyagraha began.Mahatama Gandhi arrived in Champaran with a team of eminent lawyers, comprising of Brajkishore Prasad, Rajendra Prasad, Anugrah Narayan Sinha and others.

Building on the confidence of villagers, he began leading the clean-up of villages, building of schools and hospitals and encouraging the village leadership to undo purdah, untouchability and the suppression of women. He was joined by many young nationalists from all over India, including Brajkishore Prasad, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha, Ram Navami Prasad and Jawaharlal Nehru.

Gandhi established an ashram in Champaran, organizing scores of his veteran supporters and fresh volunteers from the region. He organized a elaborated study and survey of the villages, accounting the oppression and Scary episode of suffering, including the general state of degenerate living.

Satyagraha forced British government to set up a scrutiny into the condition of tenant farmers. The report of the committee of which Gandhi was a member went in favour of the Lessee farmers. The success of his first make use of in satyagraha in India greatly enlarged Gandhiji's reputation in the country.